Sunday, June 12, 2011

To See Him More Clearly

I lost a contact lens last week. Some of you may have read about it on my facebook page. It was a gas perm lens, which is a hard lens that is not easily replaceable, like most disposable soft lenses are. And after searching all over the bathroom for it and even in the pipes just in case it went down the drain, I gave up the search. No lens found. I prayed and asked God to help me find it because I knew it would run up to $75.00 to replace it. I didn't find it, so I decided to try and order it online. I had the order pulled up and even put it in 'the shopping cart' ready to check out. All I had to do was to push a button to finish the transaction, but I waited for some reason. I thought, "can we afford this, right now?" And "which one did I lose anyway?" I think I had accidentally swapped the left and right, so I wasn't sure which one to order. So this week I've been wearing the one contact only or sometimes would wear a pair of my old soft lenses that I don't see well with at all. So I didn't have very good vision this week. I also have an almost deaf ear, so needless to say I felt like Helen Keller this week.

Fast forward to yesterday. I had a misunderstanding with a friend and took some things the wrong way and ended up crying a bit. (Not good when you're not seeing well already.) Everything turned out fine with my friend and I went to dinner with my husband. We parked on the street and had to put quarters in the parking meter. (A lot of them, I might add!) And as I was searching at the bottom of my purse for additional change, I felt something small and round. I picked it up and could not believe my cloudy, red eyes! It was my contact lens! I still can't believe it. It would be like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. I have no idea how it got in there and do not remember my purse being near the sink when I popped out my contact. But because it wasn't on the floor, it didn't have a chance to get smashed by a shoe. Now I know my purse has everything in it, including the kitchen sink...but the bathroom sink as well?? ;) I am still in shock. I wondered why God had answered my prayer on this night, particularly after the misunderstanding incident. And how he protected it by it not being on the floor. (It is in perfect condition, all I had to do was clean and disinfect it.) He also kept me from ordering the replacement. He is so good! But why didn't he let me find it right after I lost it? Why on this night? I had to think and pray on this one.

I believe the Lord is intimately involved in the details of our lives. I don't believe in chance or coincidences. I think he is not too big of a God to see his children's needs or use something like this as a life lesson. Maybe during the week I really wasn't 'seeing' things clearly in my mind. Maybe I didn't see God's hand in some situations and kind of gave up hope on some things. Maybe after the incident with my friend was cleared up, God was trying to tell me, "Now you are seeing things with clarity," and he was giving me hope in my Ragamuffin life. Or it could have been for me to know that he does answer prayer - in his time and according to his will. Or maybe he is reminding me to see him more clearly, seeking his face, day by day. In any case he showed me how precious I am to him and how he cares about the smallest details in our lives.

I praise you Father for helping me to see things more clearly - literally and spiritually. And to care about the seemingly 'unimportant' things in our lives. Because if you care about those things, how much more do you care about the major issues that we haven't gotten a resolution for yet? And to give us hope that you are working all things together for good to those that love you, even while our hope is waning and our spiritual vision is very cloudy. Help us to see you and your love for us more clearly, day by day.

Oh how I love you,
Your Ragamuffin girl

Scriptural References: Romans 8:24, 28; John 9:25; Psalm 105:4


  1. this was so encouraging! It made me tear up a little :) GOD IS SO GOOD!

  2. So glad, honey. He is good, isn't he? Love you!

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